Welcoming Autumn & Enchantress


‘Autumn Reflection’ by Gaia Orion

I write this on a train rolling through Alberta. We are a day past the fall equinox; it’s officially autumn and here it is quite apparent. The sky is overcast on this morning, the leaves of many of the trees have changed their colour (yellows predominantly) and it’s cool.

A far cry from what I left in Toronto a few days ago, where, though it’s technically fall there as well, the weather was very warm, unseasonably so.

I can’t help but thinking that I’ve been dropped into this fall or Enchantress season rather abruptly. I have to confront the part of me that wants to cling to (and perhaps even mourn the passing of) the warm weather. And I can’t help but wonder what it does to us, experiencing the characteristics of one season as the earth moves into another.

I mentioned autumn as the Enchantress phase. Enchantress is said by some to be one of the 4 archetypal energies we work with in our menstrual cycle; we also see it in the phases of the moon and even in the cycle of our lives. These are cycles nested within cycles with cycles.

It looks something like this:

Maiden – springtime, first part of our lives, waxing moon, post bleeding time

Mother – summer, womanhood & time of fertility, full moon, ovulation

Enchantress – autumn, post-menopause, waning moon, pre-menstrual

Crone – winter, late stages of life, dark/new moon, menstrual

Getting familiar with and understanding the manner in which these energies operate in the world and our lives can offer us tools and guidance to live in greater harmony, health and ease.

The season of Enchantress, in all of it’s guises, can be one of the most frustrating for many of us (alongside Crone) so I see value in taking extra time with her in particular to get to understand and honour her. Maybe especially in these times of transition when her influence may not be so present and it’s easier (and tempting) to deny her.

What are some useful ways to support and honour Enchantress?

  • take some extra time to nourish yourself and really tune into what YOU need. It could be wise to take some extra rest time which could mean more sleep or it could mean more daydream time
  • begin to adapt your routine to account for the transition. For a lot of us, autumn comes with new responsibilities and new routines (could be back-to-school for you or kids, could be work projects). Provide yourself with what you need at this time without clinging to what has just passed.
  • practice both being present and being forward-looking. The Crone follows Enchantress. This is the direction the tide takes; it is like swimming against the flow of the river to be looking back to the Mother or Maiden. They will come around again when it’s their time. We must honour the needs of Enchantress and Crone first at this time.
  • Look for ways to incorporate the Enchantress energies into your life. The Enchantress is very powerful and she can be very temperamental (which occurs when she isn’t being listened to or looked after) and her preoccupation is with creative and authentic expression of self. Know your truth and don’t sell yourself out.

How does this look in this autumn season?

Well, the fall brings colder weather and shorter days and longer nights leading us to the depth of winter. There are gifts here and it helps us to look for these and appreciate them.

What are some ways to do this?

Again, get more rest.

Eat well. Seasonal bounty is best; root vegetable and hot soups.

Find the gifts of the season. Do the things you enjoy. It could be reading in front of a fireplace. It could family gatherings. It could be a brisk hike.

Dress warmly.

Meditate. And allow for some hibernation.  The (upcoming) winter is an actively passive time. While things may look dead or dying, they have just slowed down. I love this Rumi quote that speaks to this: “And don’t think the garden loses its ecstasy in winter. It’s quiet, but the roots are down there riotous.”

The snow prepares the ground for what grows come the next spring/summer season. So too, through our choices and our actions we prepare ourselves and our bodies/minds/spirits for the next season.

We need this all. None of it is a mistake.

With Enchantress blessings…

Art is ‘Autumn Reflection’ by Gaia Orion

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