Tapping into Creativity

"Womb Paradise" by Alex Florschutz

“Womb Paradise” by Alex Florschutz

As a practitioner of womb health, I spend a lot of time guiding women in a practice of accessing and engaging this sacred space. As such, I also spend a great deal of time resourcing my own womb space.

Except when I don’t.

Over the course of the holidays, as I took some time off from work and as my clients took some time for the holidays and directed their attention to other events in their lives, things shifted a bit for me.

As I spent less guided time in womb space, I found myself struggling a bit more with work and motivation.  And after a few days I found I was creatively stuck. And this was the result of not being intentionally connected to my womb.

I heard this from another woman as well. With so many obligations and things to handle over the holidays (and any time really), it’s easy to step over being in womb space. It’s further easy to not make the connection, that this absence is having an impact.

For me, most creativity is expressed through my work. Designing a circle or workshop or materials. I also like to express myself through sound and so I love to sing.  I’ve even been taking some singing lessons.

Wouldn’t you know it?

My coach takes a very integrated body approach to singing. Your pelvic muscles, your womb all impact your voice, your sound, your expression. Your creation.

We all know that this is the place new human life is generated but we may not make the connection (or always remember) that it’s true for all we create in our lives.

I believe the quality of our lives and our expression is dependent on our connection, our relationship to this energetic and physical space of our bodies, our womb.


So, how to do this? Here’s a good starting place.

I like to start by getting into a meditative posture in a quiet space. Feeling grounded and supported by the earth, I take 3-5 deep sighs. Try this now. Sighing helps re-set our breathing and automatically settles us into the space of our pelvis. Let the sighs be long and loud.

Feel yourself grounded in your pelvis. Bring your breath to the expanse of this space, imagining a big bowl at the base of your torso. Explore this bowl. Connect to the very centre of the bowl. About 3 inches below your navel and deep inside. This is your womb space. Breathe into this space. Be present to any sensations or images or sounds that may arise.

Come back to this space often. :)

If you feel curious to find our more or called to explore on a deeper level, contact me to book a complimentary 15 minute phone session. I would love to connect.

Art: “Womb Paradise” by Alex Florschutz